Arlington Traditional School
Additions and Renovations
Arlington Traditional School was constructed in 1930 as a neighborhood elementary school but was transformed and used for both educational and community purposes before its re-conversion to the Traditional School in 1986.
During the schematic design period, Maginniss + del Ninno Architects met weekly with the Building Level Planning Committee (BLPC) to develop a program, review design options and arrive at a consensus on the final design. The design process also included presentations to Neighborhood Associations, the School Board, and the Arlington County Planning Commission. The BLPC articulated three requirements: complement the original classic revival architecture, minimize the amount of site to be used for the additions, minimize the impact of the construction on the ongoing school operation.
The proposed additions and renovations (approximately 25,500 sqft. combined) are pulled tightly into the existing building to minimize the impact on the site and increase the capacity of the grades Pre-K through 5th-grade school by one class for each grade. A new gymnasium/assembly space was added to accommodate school assemblies and provide a full-size physical education/recreation space. The scheme also includes a new art room addition with related outdoor instructional space.
The design of the project incorporates sufficient LEED NC2.1 strategies to qualify the project for a certified rating.

Arlington, VA, USA
Arlington Public Schools
25,500 sqft.